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People in Acropolis are created by Malkis. Voraci and Malkis have an argument. Malkis informs the people that Voraci will send an ogre army to Acropolis and they begin preparing for the assault with Izual's help. After talking to Malkis, the party goes to scout the ogre army in the forest downriver while other people start building a wall. As soon as they reach the forest, Jun is attacked by a giant spider which the group deals with quickly. In the forest, the party comes across a few ogres playing. Jun lures one away and they set an ambush and unintentionally slay him while Nyx creates a distraction. Abaddon gets knocked out in the fight and brought back the town on a donkey. They inform Malkis of what they did. Malkis heals Abaddon, Kael helps build the wall and set the traps. Jun tries to lure ogres to the north side (where the wall is) by himself. He walks into Voraci and ogres holding a ceremony for the dead. Jun is noticed, Voraci sends an ogre after him and calls other ogres to the 'arena'. Ogre chases Jun to the clearing where the ogre gets killed by the party.



Map of the Valley

January 1st, Year 1, Age of Heroes[]

The party spring into existence in Acropolis before the god Malkis. Malkis appears as a Human Male 5'8" 260 lbs, balding, has a belly, with a red beard growing on his face. He greets the party on their creation. He says the humans are his chosen. Izual however is another species from a previous world created by the gods.

Voraci then comes into the town and gets into an argument with Malkis. Voraci appears as a Human Female, late 30s or early 40s, stern face, darkish hair swept to the side with bangs, wears loose-fitting clothes, Izual explains the situation to the newly created Humans about who these gods are and their powers. Malkis is the god of Chaos and Voraci is the Goddess of death.

Malkis comes back to the party and asks them to defend the valley from her ogre army. Malkis says things will be better for him once the fight is over. The rest of the townsfolk will be defending the town. Malkis gives the reluctant party some gold, then heads off to speak with the Sheriff he just created.

The party talk amongst themselves about how they can scout out the ogre army. Izual says he came to this world to save the people from Voraci's army. The party buys a map of the valley from a man named Bob.

In the sky, a comet is leaving the world and one coming to the world.

The party goes with Bob to the market square where Malkis is talking to the townsfolk about building a wall around the town to the town mayor. Kael asks Malkis for some acid and Malkis makes it appear on Kael's forehead, burning him. Malkis says the Ogres are at the forest downriver, the Darken Wood. Jun asks about the river and Malkis shows Jun and the party to the spring to the start of the river. Nyx & Kael buys some spell components in the market square & the Magic Shop which is run by Clara. Kael meets with the Sheriff, Rob, and takes a sword from the armory.

The party set out from Acropolis walking down beside the river. They pass by farms and orchards. As night falls there are no stars in the sky. The party set up camp.

Nyx sleeps restlessly. Abaddon prays to Malkis. Abaddon then goes to sleep and screams in his sleep.

January 2nd[]

Nyx asks Abaddon to not scream at night in his thoughts as she has read his mind. She does a tarot reading and pulls out the Hanged Man card. Kael asks Abaddon about what is it like to be a cleric. Jun gives Abaddon a drink.

The party head down river and each the forest of pines and cypress trees. Jun and Nyx race to touch the first tree. A giant spider crawls towards Jun. The party fight with the giant spider, with Abaddon getting the killing blow. Abaddon helps Kael gather some venom.

The party then set up camp outside the forest. Kael produces a great amount of acid during a spell for Jun to use. Jun drinks his whole flask of liquor to store the acid inside.

Overnight the party hears drums. The party assumes it is a ceremony being done by the Ogres for Voraci.

January 3rd[]

Ogre 2e

Ogre from 2nd Edition Player's Handbook

The party wake up and see some townsfolk from Acropolis cutting some trees down on the other side of the ride. The party calls out a warning about spiders, but the party's warnings aren't heard.

The party then head into the Darken Woods and scout. The party comes across the abandoned ogre camp. Jun finds the tracks of 12 ogres have headed north. The party follows the tracks to the river and finds 9 of the ogres in the water playing. Izual hears talk of the 'arena'.

They decide to lure one ogre away from the rest and speak with it. Jun is the bait, he tosses a rock onto the sleeping ogre and produces noises with a branch to get its attention. The ogre follows him into an ambush as the party attacks, trying to knock the ogre unconscious.

Ambush doesn't go well, despite being blessed S M V 1  Bless Range  60 yds. AoE  50-ft. cube Casting Time  1 rd. Duration  6 rds. Save  None Damage   Materials  Holy Water Upon uttering the bless spell, the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack dice rolls by +1. A blessing, however, affects only those not already engaged in melee combat. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).

A second use of this spell is to bless a single item (for example, a crossbow bolt for use against a rakshasa). The weight of the item is limited to one pound per caster level and the effect lasts until the item is used or the spell duration ends.

Multiple bless spells are not cumulative. In addition to the verbal and somatic gesture components, the bless spell requires holy water.

This spell can be reversed by the priest to a curse spell that, when cast upon enemy creatures, lowers their morale and attack rolls by -1. The curse requires the sprinkling of unholy water.
School  Conjuration/Summoning Source  Players Hand Book page 252
by Abaddon. Jun tries to knock the ogre to the ground, but he grabs Jun instead and smashes his head into a tree, knocking him unconscious. Nyx creates an illusion of an ogre practicing combat, to mask the sounds of the fight, as to not alert the other ogres. Izual prays to Martha to bring Jun back to health, casts Cure Light Wounds S V 1  Cure Light Wounds Range  Touch AoE  Creature touched Casting Time  5 Duration  Permanent Save  None Damage  1d8 points of wound Materials  ' When casting this spell and laying his hand upon a creature, the priest causes 1d8 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature's body to be healed. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies, nor can it cure wounds of creatures not living or of extraplanar origin.

Cause Light Wounds: The reverse of the spell, cause light wounds, operates in the same manner, inflicting 1d8 points of damage. If a creature is avoiding this touch, an attack roll is needed to determine if the priest's hand strikes the opponent and causes such a wound.

Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage; caused wounds will heal--or can be cured--just as any normal injury.
School  Necromancy Source  Players Hand Book page 253
, and Jun gets back into fighting shape. The ogre hits Abaddon in the groin, knocking him unconscious. More blows are exchanged until Izual, finally, slays the ogre, accidentally causing too much damage.

Keal pulls out a vile and collects ogre blood. They hoist Abaddon onto the donkey. One ogre notices them from the top of the hill, seeing that, Keal casts Wall of Fog S M V 1  Wall of Fog Range  30 yds. AoE  20-ft. cube+ 10-ft. cube/level Casting Time  1 Duration  2d4 rds.+ 1 rd./level Save  None Damage   Materials  a pinch of split dried peas By casting this spell, the wizard creates a billowing wall of misty vapors in any area within the spell range. The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal and infravision, beyond two feet. The caster may create less vapor if he wishes.

The wall must be a roughly cubic or rectangular mass, at least ten feet wide in its smallest dimension.

The misty vapors persist for three or more rounds. Their duration can be halved by a moderate wind, and they can be blown away by a strong wind.

The material component is a pinch of split dried peas.
School  Invocation/Evocation Source  Players Hand Book page 180
, and the party breaks free. They bring Abaddon back to the clearing and Malkis wakes him up. They find out killing the ogre was a mistake, as it will only speed up ogres' preparation for the assault.

They decide to create a ruse and bring the ogres to the north side of the wall. Kael uses his engineering skill to speed up the process of building a protective wall and hidden pit traps. While they are doing that, Malkis gives the workers whiskey. Kael suggests he gives them all the drink at the end of the day, and Malkis agrees after some persuasion. Kael's manservant, Manfred, collects the booze from the workers.

Jun tries to draw ogres to the north side by himself. He finds ogres in the middle of the ceremony of honoring the dead, with Voraci present. After the words to the fallen dead in a telepathic "all language", Voraci calls the ogres to purge the insubordinate minions of chaos from this land. She directs the ogres south, to the 'arena'.

Jun throws a stone into the river and shouts out saying the ogres's enemies are on the north side of the river, and retreats. Voraci orders one ogre to kill Jun and the rest to keep going to the Arena. The lone ogre is slowed by the river while Jun runs back into the clearing.

The ogre crosses the river and runs into the clearing, then stumbles directly into Nyx's Grease S M V 1  Grease Range  10 yds. AoE  10 ft. x 10 ft. square area Casting Time  1 Duration  3 rds.+ 1 rd./level Save  Special Damage   Materials  a bit of pork rind or butter A grease spell covers a material surface with a slippery layer of a fatty, greasy nature. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the spell is cast must save vs. spell or slip, skid, and fall.

Those who successfully save can reach the nearest non-greased surface by the end of the round. Those who remain in the area are allowed a saving throw each round until they escape the area. The DM should adjust saving throws by circumstance; for example, a creature charging down an incline that is suddenly greased has little chance to avoid the effect, but its ability to exit the affected area is almost assured!

The spell can also be used to create a greasy coating on an item - a rope, ladder rungs, weapon handle, etc.

Material objects not in use are always affected by this spell, while creatures wielding or employing items receive a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. If the initial saving throw is failed, the creature immediately drops the item. A saving throw must be made each round the creature attempts to use the greased item.

The caster can end the effect with a single utterance; otherwise it lasts for three rounds plus one round per level.

The material component of the spell is a bit of pork rind or butter.
School  Conjuration/Summoning Source  Players Hand Book page 175
spell (created with her using witchy blood magic). Seeing the spell, Jun misunderstands the purpose of it and turns back to attacks the ogre. The rest join in, Abaddon and Jun quickly bring the ogre down, as Malkis cheers in the background.


Everybody gets 462 exp + individual. Nobody hits LVL 2.
