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Divan runs away from Grindel and visits Atropos, and sees Hera, Atropos's new apprentice there, takes some potions and leaves. He visits Akitos and Platos, and studies to regain mana. Divan confronts Grindel again, but this time he brings Chronos. Cyclops is now slain, Divan looks trough her cave and finds many divine items, most importantly, Amulet of Velthara on her neck. He gives the items to Chronos. They travel back to the village, Divan spends much time learning spells and identifying items (which he fails). After some rest, Divan visits the ghost village he encountered a ghost in, sees the village is well protected, and heads home. On the way there, Divan encounters a giant and brings him to Nekkraut to see Chronus. Giant leaves shortly after.



Places explored by Divan

28th November[]

Divan is hiding under shelter from the rain after failing in his fight against the cyclops Grindel. Divan drinks some of his healing potions to recover from his injures.

Divan then travels in the dark & storms to Atropos's cave 5 miles away. Atropos is with Hera, the new apprentice. Hera is laying down inside, with Atropos arranging stones on Hera's back to sort out her chakras. Divan finds 4 healing potions that Atropos has just finished. Divan takes 3 of the potions with Atropos's permission. Divan then leaves the cave and heads back to Nekkraut, drinking one of the new healing potions.

Before sunrise Divan gets back to Nekkraut, as Heffer, inside the hut, is waking up.

29th November[]

Divan wakes up in the afternoon. He then starts to study his books to regain his mana.

30th November[]

Divan plans to confront Grindel tomorrow.

Divan gets some children to capture a snake for Platos. Divan then goes speak with Platos and fills him in on the situation with the giant. Divan notices Platos has grown quite plump.

Divan goes to the qanat to see that Chronos is helping dig it out for Akitos. Chronos agrees to come with Divan to the confrontation with Grindel tomorrow.

1st December[]

Divan and Chronos set out from Nekkraut. The weather has cleared up and it is sunny. Along the way Divan drops off some troll blood with Atropos's apprentice, Hera.

By the end of the day, Divan and Chronos arrive outside the cave. Divan casts Spirit Armor S M V 3  Spirit Armor Range  Touch AoE  1 creature Casting Time  5 Duration  3 rounds / level Save  None Damage   Materials  Special This spell conjures spirits from another plane that surround the target. They weight nothing, add nothing to encumbrance, and do not interfere with casting or visibility. These spirits interpose themselves between their host and her nearby enemies. Anyone attempting to make an attack against the caster must make a saving throw vs spell or instead attack the spirits. The spirits have AC 13 and hit points equal to 8 + caster level.

Additionally, depending on the material components there is an additional effect.

5 steel coins: earth elemental spirits surround the target, reducing damage by 1 per die from non magical weapon attacks.

10gp crystal: the spirits have AC 14

Fungus or lichen: the spirits are fey and shed a soft green light for 10 feet in all directions

Healing potion: spirits have additional hit points as if the potion was consumed.

Humanoid finger: the spirits those of the dead and impose a -1 to fear saves of all enemieswho can clearly see them

Water, fresh: the subject and their clothes are imbued with water, wetting skin and dampening clothes. Saves vs. fire effects are made at +1

Water, salt: the spirits are foggy and dense, creating an area of light fog for 10 feet
School  Conjuration/Summoning Source  2.Neal Spell
on Chronos and then calls out a challenge to Grindel. Grindel steps out of the cave, also fully healed now. Divan dodges a bolder then throws a Fireball S M V 3  Fireball Range  10 yds.+ 10 yds./level AoE  20-ft. radius Casting Time  3 Duration  Instantaneous Save  1/2 Damage  1d6/level Materials  a tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a low roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who cast it - ld6 points of damage for each level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6).

The burst of the fireball creates little pressure and generally conforms to the shape of the area in which it occurs. The fireball fills an area equal to its normal spherical volume (roughly 33,000 cubic feet - thirty-three 10' x 10' x 10' cubes).

Besides causing damage to creatures, the fireball ignites all combustible materials within its burst radius, and the

heat of the fireball melts soft metals such as gold, copper, silver, etc. Exposed items require saving throws vs. magical fire to determine if they are affected, but items in the possession of a creature that rolls a successful saving throw are unaffected by the fireball.

The wizard points his finger and speaks the range (distanceandheight) at which the fireball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast.

Those who roll successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half damage (the DM rolls the damage and each affected creature suffers either full damage or half damage [round fractions down], depending on whether the creature saved or not).

The material component of this spell is a tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur.
School  Invocation/Evocation Source  Players Hand Book page 191
at Grindel. Divan then uses a Shadow Snap S V 2  Shadow Snap Range  120 feet AoE  1 creature Casting Time  2 Duration  1 minute / level Save  Negate Damage   Materials  ' The caster points to the sky and speaking softly lowers their finger to the shadow of the creature they wish target. A blade springs forth from the air and plunges into the ground under the target's shadow. As long as the blade is in the ground, the target cannot move from the waist down. Once the spell is broken, the blade vanishes.

The blade will not penetrate stone until 8th level, but it is firmly lodged in whatever ground it does penetrate. Sand and snow are loose enough that another creature should be able to easily remove the blade, but hard packed earth or clay might require a strength check to be removed.

Targets that do not see the spell coming, fleeing targets for example, do not get a save. If the shadow leaves the blade (lighting changes for example) the spell is broken.
School  Abjuration Source  2.Neal Spell
to trap her in place. Chronos attacks Grindel in melee then retreats after Grindle hits her. Divan throws another Fireball S M V 3  Fireball Range  10 yds.+ 10 yds./level AoE  20-ft. radius Casting Time  3 Duration  Instantaneous Save  1/2 Damage  1d6/level Materials  a tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a low roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who cast it - ld6 points of damage for each level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6).

The burst of the fireball creates little pressure and generally conforms to the shape of the area in which it occurs. The fireball fills an area equal to its normal spherical volume (roughly 33,000 cubic feet - thirty-three 10' x 10' x 10' cubes).

Besides causing damage to creatures, the fireball ignites all combustible materials within its burst radius, and the

heat of the fireball melts soft metals such as gold, copper, silver, etc. Exposed items require saving throws vs. magical fire to determine if they are affected, but items in the possession of a creature that rolls a successful saving throw are unaffected by the fireball.

The wizard points his finger and speaks the range (distanceandheight) at which the fireball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast.

Those who roll successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half damage (the DM rolls the damage and each affected creature suffers either full damage or half damage [round fractions down], depending on whether the creature saved or not).

The material component of this spell is a tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur.
School  Invocation/Evocation Source  Players Hand Book page 191

Divan then gets behind the trapped Grindle and attacks her. Chronos throws rocks from a distance.

Grindel throws a rock at Chronos, breaking the Spirit Armor S M V 3  Spirit Armor Range  Touch AoE  1 creature Casting Time  5 Duration  3 rounds / level Save  None Damage   Materials  Special This spell conjures spirits from another plane that surround the target. They weight nothing, add nothing to encumbrance, and do not interfere with casting or visibility. These spirits interpose themselves between their host and her nearby enemies. Anyone attempting to make an attack against the caster must make a saving throw vs spell or instead attack the spirits. The spirits have AC 13 and hit points equal to 8 + caster level.

Additionally, depending on the material components there is an additional effect.

5 steel coins: earth elemental spirits surround the target, reducing damage by 1 per die from non magical weapon attacks.

10gp crystal: the spirits have AC 14

Fungus or lichen: the spirits are fey and shed a soft green light for 10 feet in all directions

Healing potion: spirits have additional hit points as if the potion was consumed.

Humanoid finger: the spirits those of the dead and impose a -1 to fear saves of all enemieswho can clearly see them

Water, fresh: the subject and their clothes are imbued with water, wetting skin and dampening clothes. Saves vs. fire effects are made at +1

Water, salt: the spirits are foggy and dense, creating an area of light fog for 10 feet
School  Conjuration/Summoning Source  2.Neal Spell
. Grindel tries to surrender but Divan and Chronos take her out, killing the cyclops.

Divan goes into the cave with ease and into her lair. Symbols of Velthara symbols made in blood are all over the stone walls. Inside is a pen of animals. Divan finds 3 art objects: a Giant Bardiche of Velthara, the Holy Symbol of Velthara, and an Altar to Velthara.

Divan uses his magical crown, Sorona, to Legend Lore S M V 6  Legend Lore Range  0 AoE  Special Casting Time  Specia Duration  Special Save  None Damage   Materials  incense and strips of ivory The legend lore spell is used to determine legendary information regarding a known person, place, or thing. If the person or thing is at hand, or if the wizard is in the place in question, the likelihood of the spell producing results is far greater and the casting time is only 1d4 turns. If only detailed information on the person, place, or thing is known, casting time is 1d10 days. If only rumors are known, casting time is 2d6 weeks.

During the casting, the wizard cannot engage in activities other than the routine: eating, sleeping, etc. When completed, the divination reveals if legendary material is available. It often reveals where this material is--by place name, rhyme, or riddle. It sometimes gives certain information regarding the person, place, or thing (when the object of the legend lore is at hand), but this data is always in some cryptic form (rhyme, riddle, anagram, cipher, sign, etc.). Naturally, a legend lore spell reveals information only if the person, place, or thing is noteworthy or legendary.

For example, suppose Delsenora came across an extremely well-made sword. It radiates magic, but when she used an identify spell, she could not learn any information.Even giving it to a trusted fighter didn't work, as the sword did not reveal any special powers. Finally, she casts a legend lore spell, hoping to gain more information. Since the sword is at hand, she completes the spell in three turns. In her mind comes the message, \"Once this was the sword of he who waits till Albion's time of greatest peril, when unto his hand it shall fly again. Fair was the hand that gave me and fair was the hand that reclaimed me.\" Clearly, Delsenora realizes, this must be a very powerful item, since her spell gave only a cryptic answer. But who is he who waits? And where is Albion? For more information, Delsenora is going to have to cast more spells. But now the pro
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 226
about the Giant Bardiche of Velthara but finds no lore about it. There are black gemstones on the side of it. The Altar to Velthara is a bowl made of the same gemstone on the sides of the Giant Bardiche of Velthara. The Holy Symbol of Velthara is made of transmuted giant bones into crystal substances. Divan offers the objects to Grindel. Chronos removes Grindel's head and takes the holy symbol. The holy symbol shrinks in size to fit Chronos's smaller size. Chronos wears the holy symbol.

Divan goes to the heard animals and calms them down. Divan and Chronos rest on the cave overnight. The rest overnight is restless with the strange winds outside that sounds like whispers.

2nd December[]

Then they wake up Chronos says he didn't sleep well, thinking he was hearing voices during the night.

Divan and Chronos travel back to Nekkraut with the herd of goats.


  • Combat & Quest: 21401 (10700 each class)
  • Fighter: 650 exp (13 hit dice)
  • Wizard: 1144 exp (10 exp per MP spent (104) x 10%)
    • 110 exp (100 exp per spell learned x 10%)
  • Wizard Total: 38,290.9 exp
  • Warrior Total: 31,619 exp


Divan and his family decide on a summer wedding under the star signs of Mathis & Safia on August 7 next year.

Divan learns Clairvoyance S M V 3  Clairvoyance Range  Unlimited AoE  Line of sight Casting Time  3 Duration  1 rd./level Save  None Damage   Materials  pinch of powdered pineal gland Similar to the Clairaudience spell, the Clairvoyance spell empowers the wizard to see in his mind whatever is within sight range from the spell locale chosen. Distance from the wizard is not a factor, but the locale must be known--familiar or obvious. Furthermore, light is a factor, as the spell does not enable the use of infravision or magical enhancements. If the area is magically dark, only darkness is seen; if naturally pitch dark, only a 10-foot radius from the center of the spell's area of effect can be seen. Otherwise, the seeing extends to the normal vision range according to the prevailing light. Lead sheeting or magical protection foils a clairvoyance spell, and the wizard has some indication that it is so blocked. The spell creates an invisible sensor, similar to that created by a crystal ball spell, that can be dispelled. The spell functions only on the wizard's current plane of existence.

The material component is a pinch of powdered pineal gland.
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 190
, Bands of Sirellyn S M V 3  Bands of Sirellyn Range  40 yards AoE  1 creature Casting Time  3 Duration  1 turn + 1 rd./level Save  Negate Damage   Materials  three miniature bands of silver Once employed by the mysterious ancient wizard known as the Arcanamach, the mage Sirellyn rediscovered this forgotten dweomer many centuries after its last use. The spell causes a number of shining metal bands to materialize out of the air, encircling and capturing a target of the caster's choice. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to elude capture, with a -1 penalty per three caster levels(for example,-1 for a 4th to 6th level caster,-2 for a 7th to 9th level caster,-3 for a 10th to 12th level caster, and so on),since higher-level casters tend to conjure more bands in a denser pattern. Any creature of less than size G can be snared, but gargantuan monsters are simply too big to be restrained by the bands.

The spell requires three miniature bands of silver that are interlocked so that all three are connected.
School  Conjuration/Summoning Source  Spells and Magic page 143
, & Dispel Magic (Wizard) S V 3  Dispel Magic Range  120 yds. AoE  30-ft. cube Casting Time  3 Duration  Instantaneous Save  None Damage   Materials  ' When a wizard casts this spell, it has a chance to neutralize or negate magic it comes in contact with, as follows:

First, it removes spells and spell-like effects (including device effects and innate abilities) from creatures or objects.

Second, it disrupts the casting or use of these in the area of effect at the instant the dispel is cast.

Third, it destroys magical potions (which are treated as 12th level for purposes of this spell).

Each effect or potion in the spell's area is checked to determine if it is dispelled. The caster can always dispel his own magic; otherwise the chance to dispel depends on the difference in level between the magical effect and the caster. The base chance is 50% (11 or higher on 1d20 to dispel).

If the caster is higher level than the creator of the effect to be dispelled, the difference is subtracted from the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (thus making it more likely that the dispel succeeds); ifthe caster is of lower level, then the difference is added to the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it less likely that the dispel succeeds). A roll of 20 always succeeds and a roll of 1 always fails. Thus, if a caster is 10 levels higher, only a roll of 1 prevents the effect from being dispelled.

A dispel magic spell does not affect a specially enchanted item, such as a magical scroll, ring, wand, rod, staff, miscellaneous item, weapon, shield, or armor, unless it is cast directly upon the item. This renders the item nonoperational for 1d4 rounds. An item possessed and carried by a creature gains the creature's saving throw against this effect, otherwise it is automatically rendered nonoperational.

An interdimensional interface (such as a bag of holding) rendered nonoperational would be temporarily closed. Note that an item's physical properties are unchanged: a nonoperational magical sword is still a sword.

Artifacts and rel
School  Abjuration Source  Players Hand Book page 191
, Enlarge S M V 1  Enlarge Range  5 yds./level AoE  1 creature or object Casting Time  1 Duration  5 rds./level Save  Negate Damage   Materials  a pinch of powdered iron This spell causes instant growth of a creature or object, increasing both size and weight. It can be cast only upon a single creature (or a symbiotic or community entity) or upon a single object that does not exceed ten cubic feet in volume per caster level. The object or creature must be seen to be affected.

It grows by up to 10% per level of experience of the wizard, increasing this amount in height, width, and weight.

Magical properties are not increased by this spell - a huge sword +1 is still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc.

Weight, mass and strength are affected, though. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more effective, a hurled stine would have more mass (and cause more damage), chauns would be more massive, doors thicker, a thin lin turned to a sizeable, longer rope, and so on. A creature's hit points, Armor Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage rolls increace proportionally with size.

For example, a fighter at 160% normal size hits with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage. The adjusted damage roll is 10 (that is 6 x 1.6 = 9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength, class, and magic are not altered.

The reverse spell, reduce, negates the enlarge spell or makes creatures or objects smaller. The creature or objectl oses 10% of its original size for every level of the caster, to a minimum of 10% of the original size. Thereafter, the size shrinks by one-foot increments to less than one foot, by one-inch increments to one inch, and by 1/10-inch increments to a minimum of 1/10 of an inch - the recipient cannot dwindle away to nothingness.

For example, a 16-foot-tall giant reduced by a 15th-level wizard (15 steps) would be reduced to 1.6 feet (in nine steps), then to 6/10 of a foot or
School  Alteration Source  Players Hand Book page 173
. He fails Maximilian's Stony Grasp S M V 3  Maximilian's Stony Grasp Range  20yards+10 yards/level AoE  One creature Casting Time  3 Duration  5 rounds+1 round/level Save  Special Damage   Materials  a miniature hand sculpted from clay, This spell must be cast on stony ground,such as a manmade stone floor,a natural cavern floor, or a boulder-strewn field.It is not possible to cast the spell on a stone wall or ceiling.The spell causes an arm made of stone (about the same size as a normal human limb ) to rise from the ground beneath any creature targeted by the caster.The stony hand attempts to grasp the leg of the targeted creature, who is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect;if the save is successful,the hand disappears.Each round thereafter, the hand has a 5% chance per level of the caster of reappearing and attacking.

Creatures grasped by the hand suffer a movement rate of 0, AC penalty of -2, and attack penalty of -2. Grasped characters lose any Dexterity bonuses. The hand causes no damage to its victim.

The stony limb has AC 2 and hit points equal to triple the caster's maximum hit points. The maximum number of hit points a stony hand may have is 60.The material component is a miniature hand sculpted from stone, which crumbles to dust when the conjured hand is destroyed or the spell expires.
School  Alteration Source  Tome of Magic page 26
over 21 days (440 wizard exp).

23rd December[]

AmuletofVelthara by a0

Amulet of Velthara by a0

It is now winter. Divan finds out the holy symbol of Velthara is actually the Amulet of Velthara, a holy artifact given to her chosen.

Amulet of Velthara: The black T is a cross made out of transmuted giant humerus bones, from a young giant, turned into a strange black substance. The red V are similarly transmuted giant humerus bones but turned into red crystalline substance. Bone turned to stone & crystal. Attached by a simple cord.

Chronos is working on building a tall watchtower. Chronos agrees to lend the amulet to Divan so he can study it. When Divan takes the amulet it shrinks in size to human size. Divan casts Identify S M V 1  Identify Range  0 AoE  1 item/level Casting Time  Special Duration  1 rd./level Save  None Damage   Materials  a pearl (of at least 100gp value) and an owl feather steeped in wine When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The eight hours immediately precededing the casting of the spell must be spent purifying the items and removing influences that would corrupt and blur their magical auras. If this period is interrupted, it must be begun again. When the spell is cast, each item must be handled in turn by the wizard. Any consequences of this handling fall fully upon the wizard and may end the spell, although the wizard is allowed any applicable saving throw.

The chance of learning a piece of information about an item is equal to 10% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 90%, rolled by the DM. Any roll of 96-00 indicates a false reading (91-95 reveal nothing). Only one function of a multi-function item is discovered per handling (i.e., a 5-th level wizard could attempt to determine the nature of five different items, five different functions of a singleitem, or any combination of the two). If any attempt at readipg fails, the caster cannot learn any more about that item until he advances a level. Note that some items, such as special magical tomes, cannot be identified with this spell.

The item never reveals its exact attack or damage bonuses, although the fact that it has few or many bonuses can be determined. If it has charges, only a general indication of the number of charges remaining is learned: powerful (81% - 100% of the total possible charges), strong (61% - 80%), moderate (41% - 60%), weak (6% - 40%), or faint (five charges or less). The faint result takes precedence, so a fully charges ring of three wishes always appears to be only faintly charged.

After casting the spell and determining what can be learned from it, the wizard loses 8 points of Constitution. He must rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point loss drops the spellcaster below a
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 175
and fails all his attempts to identify the amulet and some potions.

24th December[]

Divan then returns the amulet to Chronos, asking to borrow the amulet in the future to try to learn more later. The amulet returns to Chronos's size.

Some Winter Day[]

Divan rests, gathers winter clothes, and puts the shrine of Velthara on the blood fountain. Divan decides to travel to the remnants of the ghost town he encountered previously. He casts Detect Magic S V 1  Detect Magic Range  0 AoE  10 ft. path, x 60 ft. long Casting Time  1 Duration  2 rds./level Save  None Damage   Materials  ' When the detect magic spell is cast, the wizard detects magical radiations in a path 10 feet wide and up to 60 feet long, in the direction he is facing. The intensity of the magic can be determined (dim, faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming), and the wizard has a 10% chance per level to recognize if a certain type of magic (alteration, conjuration, etc.) is present. The caster can turn, scanning a 60-degree arc per round.

A stone wall of one foot or more thickness, solid metal of one inch thickness, or a yard or more of solid wood blocks the spell. Magical areas, multiple types of magic, or strong local magical emanations may confuse or conceal weaker radiations.

Note that this spell does not reveal the presence of good or evil, or reveal alignment. Other-planar creatures are not necessarily magical.
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 172
on the village and senses unnatural creatures residing in the houses. In the center of the village is a huge fire pit, the core of the magic. Divan uses Legend Lore S M V 6  Legend Lore Range  0 AoE  Special Casting Time  Specia Duration  Special Save  None Damage   Materials  incense and strips of ivory The legend lore spell is used to determine legendary information regarding a known person, place, or thing. If the person or thing is at hand, or if the wizard is in the place in question, the likelihood of the spell producing results is far greater and the casting time is only 1d4 turns. If only detailed information on the person, place, or thing is known, casting time is 1d10 days. If only rumors are known, casting time is 2d6 weeks.

During the casting, the wizard cannot engage in activities other than the routine: eating, sleeping, etc. When completed, the divination reveals if legendary material is available. It often reveals where this material is--by place name, rhyme, or riddle. It sometimes gives certain information regarding the person, place, or thing (when the object of the legend lore is at hand), but this data is always in some cryptic form (rhyme, riddle, anagram, cipher, sign, etc.). Naturally, a legend lore spell reveals information only if the person, place, or thing is noteworthy or legendary.

For example, suppose Delsenora came across an extremely well-made sword. It radiates magic, but when she used an identify spell, she could not learn any information.Even giving it to a trusted fighter didn't work, as the sword did not reveal any special powers. Finally, she casts a legend lore spell, hoping to gain more information. Since the sword is at hand, she completes the spell in three turns. In her mind comes the message, \"Once this was the sword of he who waits till Albion's time of greatest peril, when unto his hand it shall fly again. Fair was the hand that gave me and fair was the hand that reclaimed me.\" Clearly, Delsenora realizes, this must be a very powerful item, since her spell gave only a cryptic answer. But who is he who waits? And where is Albion? For more information, Delsenora is going to have to cast more spells. But now the pro
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 226
in the center of the village and learns that

This is the place where Demigod Seltzer sealed away a tribe of cannibals.

Divan casts clairvoyance on the village during the night and he counts 12 cannibal spirits.

Divan returns to the village in the morning, casts Identify S M V 1  Identify Range  0 AoE  1 item/level Casting Time  Special Duration  1 rd./level Save  None Damage   Materials  a pearl (of at least 100gp value) and an owl feather steeped in wine When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The eight hours immediately precededing the casting of the spell must be spent purifying the items and removing influences that would corrupt and blur their magical auras. If this period is interrupted, it must be begun again. When the spell is cast, each item must be handled in turn by the wizard. Any consequences of this handling fall fully upon the wizard and may end the spell, although the wizard is allowed any applicable saving throw.

The chance of learning a piece of information about an item is equal to 10% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 90%, rolled by the DM. Any roll of 96-00 indicates a false reading (91-95 reveal nothing). Only one function of a multi-function item is discovered per handling (i.e., a 5-th level wizard could attempt to determine the nature of five different items, five different functions of a singleitem, or any combination of the two). If any attempt at readipg fails, the caster cannot learn any more about that item until he advances a level. Note that some items, such as special magical tomes, cannot be identified with this spell.

The item never reveals its exact attack or damage bonuses, although the fact that it has few or many bonuses can be determined. If it has charges, only a general indication of the number of charges remaining is learned: powerful (81% - 100% of the total possible charges), strong (61% - 80%), moderate (41% - 60%), weak (6% - 40%), or faint (five charges or less). The faint result takes precedence, so a fully charges ring of three wishes always appears to be only faintly charged.

After casting the spell and determining what can be learned from it, the wizard loses 8 points of Constitution. He must rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point loss drops the spellcaster below a
School  Divination Source  Players Hand Book page 175
, and finds out that the 12 ghosts are casters - sealed away in another plane of existence. There is a Forbiddance S M V 6  Forbiddance Range  30 yds. AoE  60-ft. cube/level Casting Time  6 rds. Duration  Permanent Save  Special Damage   Materials  ' This spell can be used to secure a consecrated area (see the Dungeon Master Guide).

The spell seals the area from teleportation, plane shifting, and ethereal penetration. At the option of the caster, the ward can be locked by a password, in which case it can be entered only by those speaking the proper words. Otherwise, the effect on those entering the enchanted area is based on their alignment, relative to the caster's. The most severe penalty is used.

Alignment identical: No effect. If password locked, cannot enter area unless password is known (no saving throw).

Alignment different with respect to law and chaos: Save vs. spell to enter the area; if failed, suffer 2d6 points of damage. If password locked, cannot enter unless password is known.

Alignment different with respect to good and evil: Save vs. spell to enter this area; if failed, suffer 4d6 points of damage. If word locked, cannot enter unless password is known. The attempt does cause damage if the save is failed.

Once a saving throw is failed, an intruder cannot enter the forbidden area until the spell ceases. The ward cannot be dispelled by a caster of lesser level than the one who established it. Intruders who enter by rolling successful saving throws feel uneasy and tense, despite their success.

In addition to the priest's holy symbol, components include holy water and rare incenses worth at least 1,000 gp per 60-foot cube. If a password lock is desired, this also requires the burning of rare incenses worth at least 5,000 gp per 60-foot cube.
School  Abjuration Source  Players Hand Book page 289
spell around the village. Divan concludes that the ghost village is well sealed and goes back to the Nekkraut.

On the way back, Divan encounters a giant. The giant has heard many stories about Divan, and calls him a 'stealer of children'. Divan clears up the misunderstanding and tells the giant that he did not steal Chronos. Brutalitops wants to visit the child so they get back to Nekkraut together. Seeing that everything is fine, Brutalitops leaves and promises to check up on Chronos.


Divan levels up Wizard & Warrior to level 6

  • Max HP from 32.5 to 35 (+2.5)
  • Max MP from 45 to 49 (+4)